Sunday, June 30, 2019

2lb rib steak from Costco

Lol, it's been a while since I posted in this blog.  Been busy doing other stuff and food blogging was doing two things:  Making me fat and making me poor.  I just couldn't sustain eating out so much anymore and I was putting on mad amounts of weight so I just had to walk away from it all.

Anyway, I don't think I'll be updating this blog like I used to, but I may visit it once in a while.

Let's start with a 2lb rib steak I picked up from Costco.  I originally got the idea from this izakaya called Rajio.  I went there a few times with my iaido class and they serve this insane 2lb steak that's just out of this world.  I found a similar, if not exact same cut at Costco so I decide to try it out at home.

Of course, I needed some liquid courage to cook such a beast, so Johnny Walker helped me out a bit.

Got into cast irons from my brother, this one is from Bass Pro and I got it on sale for $20.

Hot, smoking pan to sear the hell out of the steak.

Sear the edges after the other side was done.

Throw in a wad of butter along with some sliced garlic.

Bathe the steak in the garlic butter concoction,

Some green stuff to make the dinner somewhat healthy.

Pull it out of the oven after a bit and pray it was not ruined.

I probably should have take pics of the inside, but I was too busy eating and thanking Crom that I didn't screw this steak up, lol!

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