Monday, March 2, 2020

2kg Rib Oven Roast from Costco - Rajio-style

The last time I cooked one of these, I didn't get any pics of the cross section, so I figured I'd snap a few more pics.  Costco didn't have any single-bone rib steaks handy so I just grabbed a double-decker and split it down the middle.

When I took it out of the packaging, I realized what a monster of a steak I brought home.


I let the steaks sit under some plastic wrap for a few hours to get the steaks down to room temperature.

Then I hammered the steaks with coarsely ground salt and pepper.

Lay the thing down on a hot cast iron with some olive oil or grape seed oil.

Throw some garlic cloves down for some added flavour.  I see a lot of people throw in a sprig or two of thyme as well, but I can't be bothered.  

After searing the edges and flipping the thing over, I toss in a wad of butter and start basting the stead.

I sort of wanted to eat the second steak as is, but my guests would not approve.  Anyway, both into the oven to finish them off after searing

When the steaks are nearly done, I splashed them with soy sauce and keep them in the oven for a few more minutes.

This is important.  You have to let the steaks rest after cooking them.  It's unnerving to let them rest too long for fear of them getting cold, but it has to be done.  If you cut them right after, they will bleed to death and you'll end up with some ruined steaks.

My friend brought over some sake and Scotch to go with the steaks.....the bottle of sake is one of those 1.8l ishobin bottles, so needless to say, we barely got though half of it and didn't even touch the Scotch.

The steaks came out a bit more cooked than I hoped, but my guests (Asian) prefer their steaks like this, which would be medium well, to well done (aka ruined).  Still, these didn't turn out too badly and tasted pretty good.

Not pictured is the cilantro and wasabi, which taste surprisingly good with these steaks.

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