There are about 20-30 people lined up at Japadog at any given time. It's a strange phenomenon that as far as I know, has happened only in Vancouver. The first time I had a hot dog from Japadog a few years ago, I thought it tasted great, and it was an interesting concept - Japanese condiments on a hot dog. Little did I realize that the word would spread like wildfire and the popularity of this little hotdog stand, run by a mom (with a baby strapped to her back as if it was still edo period) and pop would swell to epic proportions.

This is a shot of the line at night.

Among some of the famous people that have frequented Japadog are Anthony Bourdain, host of No Reservations, who actually featured Japadog on his episode on Vancouver!

You could probably get most of the special ingredients at a Fujiya or Izumiya, Konbiniya, or even T & T, but to be honest, the price of these hot dogs don't cost (much) more than any other hot dog stand in Vancouver.

The hardest working people I've ever seen at a hot dog stand, and for that, I think this company will succeed. Actually, they are already seeing plenty of success, so much so, that they've opened up at least two other hot dog stands as well as a permanent location on Robson, close to Beard Papa's (a shop that sells Japanese cream puffs).

Myself and one of the staff of Japadog.

This picture does not do it justice, I took it with my work phone and it's pretty low resolution. I'll repost a better picture as soon as I find one. This is the Kurobuta Terimayo.
If you happen to see a Japadog stand with little or no line up, definitely seize the opportunity to grab a Japadog, it will be a glorious experience.
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