Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is why I'm Fat

There's a blog out there called and I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog to  And here are a couple of reasons why:

Sylvie's Double Chocolate cookies with mint?

Sylvie's Double-Chocolate Brownies

Gigi's Festive Rice Crispie Squares

Linda's Short Bread with Jelly.

Mmmmm....Linda's Butter Tarts.

More Fudge Brownies, these ones from Linda.

My co-workers Simon and Linda.

It's the holiday season and my co-workers are fantastic chefs and bakers that bring in these incredible confections that rival the pros.  Cheers to my friends at work, and happy holidays!


  1. LOL!!! Then we should change ours to "" LOL!!!

  2. My clothes are not going to fit anymore after the holidays sigh!

  3. Yeah, I know! I gained a lot of weight during holiday and I'm going to be in a lot of trouble next week when my other job starts up again! Pants are definitely a bit tighter....


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